


Change is a funny thing.  Most of the time we want it. We think about it.  We dream about it. Some ingrained fear keeps us from acting on it.  Until one day we realize that we just need to take the first step towards it.  


So for many years I have wanted to change my business name.  Because my life has changed.  I have changed. My business has changed.  I want a more simple presence.  And… while I love horses and everything rustic and country,  I love all weddings and would prefer to not be typecast to just one genre.  


As the business slowly transitions from Hearts & Horseshoes Photography to HeartsFoto, just know that nothing has changed but the name.  Thank you for all the love & support! 



xo-🌈🌟-Amanda,  Josh,  Katy,  Holley,  Johanna