
The Day SUNshine was Born || Newborn Photography

Well... Lylah Sun to be exact.  But if you've ever met her she's a lot of sunshine! 

I had planned to be there and had booked my tix according to when the little princess was to arrive and so I would be there a couple days after.  But just as Presley had done to Johanna... she waited until the last possibly minute to come out and meet us.  

Johanna's sister Carolyn kept texting me asking if we could FaceTime.  I would peer up from my dark corner while Jo was laboring on one of those inflatable balls.  She looked like she was in so so much pain.  "I do not think it's the best time for that." I responded.  "Please just ask," she quickly text back.  "Um Jo... Carolyn wants to FaceTime..."  And there it was... the look I knew so well from childhood and one that her mom had coined "The Johanna Look."  "Ya ok I will tell her no. Definitely not."  "SEEEEEEE Carolyn NOW I have gotten the Johanna Look!!! Thanks a lot!" to which she replied with laughing and tears emoji.  

It's the story I will tell Lylah when she's old enough to laugh at me and her auntie.  I couldn't wait to meet her adorable self.  She was and remains the perfect little sunshine.

Are you having a baby soon?!  Would you love to have it documented? We would love to be there! Contact us for info at